The Global Fellows Program
McDaniel's prestigious Global Fellows Program is an academic and co-curricular opportunity that enhances your academic study. Through this opportunity, you'll deepen and broaden your understanding of global issues, develop heightened intercultural competency, and cultivate the skills and attitudes necessary to lead successful personal and professional lives in a global context.

Graduating with Pride

Meet Two Global Fellow Graduates

Global Issues Colloquium on water politics and the global water crisis
R. Edward Grumbine discusses water politics and the global water crisis at McDaniel College’s annual Global Issues Colloquium. The title of the lecture, “Water Politics in the Mekong River, China, and Beyond: Where the Local Becomes the Global,” looks at the demand for water resources in the Mekong River, China, and beyond.

Global Issues Colloquium examines religious freedom
McDaniel College’s annual Global Issues Colloquium examines religious freedom with a discussion titled “Free Exercise: The Tyranny of Religious Freedom in Constitutional Democracies” led by Brad Stoddard, assistant professor of Religious Studies at McDaniel.