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COVID-19 Campus Notification System

About the Notification System

McDaniel College utilized a green, yellow, and red notification system for the spring 2021 semester to inform our campus community of the success of our shared efforts in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. The design of this alert system is to provide our community members a snapshot of the effectiveness of our efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Because COVID-19 spread is a result of individual choices, our alert system is intended to help our community understand the collective impact of following health and safety protocols.

In addition to being posted on our website, the College's color-coded status was communicated daily through our on-campus digital signs.

green alert status

COVID-19 Campus Notification System

For the Spring 2021 semester, McDaniel College utilized a green, yellow, and red notification system to inform our campus community of the success of our shared efforts in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. The following information was updated regularly on the COVID-19 Notification System webpage:

  • Total of newly confirmed positive COVID-19 cases within our on campus population over the previous seven days.
  • Total cumulative number of positive COVID-19 cases within our campus population.
  • Total cumulative number of college administered COVID-19 tests, including rapid tests and surveillance tests. 

COVID-19 Dashboard: February 16 - May 14, 2021

About the Dashboard:

  • The college’s surveillance testing program was in place Feb 16 - May 14, 2021, using PCR tests. Approximately 150-200 students were tested per week with each student tested 4-6 times over the course of the semester.
  • Between Feb 1 - 15, 2021 a rapid testing protocol was underway. You may find the results of the rapid testing period below.

Total cumulative number of positive COVID-19 cases within our campus population, Feb 16 - May 14.


Total cumulative number of college administered COVID-19 tests, including rapid tests and surveillance tests, Feb 16 - May 14.

COVID-19 Testing Summary: February 1 - 15, 2021 Move-in and Limited Community Contact Period Rapid Testing Protocol

During the move-in process (Feb 1-15) all residential students were required to complete a COVID-19 rapid test upon their return to campus, and a second rapid test approximately 8 days later. All positive rapid test results were confirmed with a PCR test. 

This process resulted in:

  • 1687 tests administered.
  • 19 positive rapid test results
  • 13 confirmed positive with additional PCR tests

Alert Levels

Determination of the color-coded status (green, yellow or red) is a holistic process. There is no single indicator that in and of itself changes the level of the alert. Because both internal and external factors impact our alert level, the Return to the Hill Task Force will continue to monitor criteria and use their collective knowledge of virus trajectory and risk to establish each day’s alert level.

green alert

A Green Level Alert

Indicates that our campus health and safety protocols are working effectively and our community is doing a good job minimizing risk. This level provides our community members with the greatest freedom while continuing to strictly adhere to the health and safety guidelines in place.
Community members should continue to wash their hands, practice social distancing, and wear their masks. Daily symptom reviews being conducted by community members is helping to minimize spread.

We’re proud of the work our community is doing to keep our Community Safe and McDaniel Strong.

Community members should:

  • Continue following health and safety protocols.
yellow info alert

A Yellow Level Alert

Indicates that the COVID-19 trajectory on campus has not stabilized and now is the time for our community members to ensure the greatest possible compliance to health and safety protocols.
A yellow level alert does not mean that the virus is uncontrolled or campus is unsafe. However, this level provides our community members with the knowledge that we must collectively do better at minimizing the impact of COVID-19. This level also means that some individual freedoms might be reduced and in-person events (including weekly in-person sessions for hybrid classes) could be minimized or canceled.
Community members must check their symptoms twice per day, wash their hands more frequently, become more proactive about social distancing, and wear their masks with absolute consistency. Community members may want to start off their morning with a temperature check in addition to their daily symptom check.

We’re proud of the work our community is doing to keep our Community Safe and McDaniel Strong, but we must refocus our efforts.

Community members should:

  • Check their symptoms twice per day.
  • Renew their commitment to following health and safety protocols. (View the "Community Safe. McDaniel Strong." pledge).
  • Increase awareness of others around them and assert the need for health and safety protocols to be followed by all members of our community at all times.
  • Minimize non-academic gatherings to meet social distancing requirements of six feet or more both indoors and outdoors, and continue to wear face coverings or masks when inside buildings and residential common areas.
red alert

A Red Level Alert

Indicates that the trajectory of COVID-19 on our campus is troubling and we are not being successful at limiting the virus at the levels we hope. A red alert means that if the current trajectory continues, we may maximize our isolation and quarantine space.
Now is the time for our community members to ensure the greatest possible compliance to health and safety protocols or risk having to move to a fully online experience. A red level provides our community members with the knowledge that unless we collectively do better at minimizing the impact of COVID-19, our on-campus and residential experiences are at risk.
This level also means that individual freedoms will be reduced and in-person events (including weekly in-person sessions for hybrid classes) could be minimized or canceled. Community members must wash their hands more frequently, become more proactive about social distancing, and wear their masks with absolute consistency. Community members should also start off their morning with a temperature check in addition to their daily symptom check.

We’re proud of the work our community is doing to keep our Community Safe and McDaniel Strong, but we must do better.

Community members must:

  • Renew their commitment to following health and safety protocols. A zero tolerance policy may be put in place for those who do not follow health and safety protocols, even if non-compliance is accidental.
  • Increase awareness of others around them and assert the need for health and safety protocols to be followed by all members of our community at all times; 
  • Minimize non-academic gatherings of more than 10 people, even when outside or following social distancing protocols.

System Criteria

Criteria that will be considered for each color-coded status could include, but is not limited to:  

  • Confirmed COVID-19 positive cases on campus over the previous seven days; and/or
  • Residential students who are quarantined or in isolation; and/or
  • COVID testing resources; and/or
  • Regional rates of infection; and/or
  • Regional hospital capacity for past 14 days.

If the College’s status is yellow or red, potential actions could include, but is not limited to: 

  • Daily Return to the Hill Task Force meeting
  • Increased campus communication about the need to adhere to social distancing and safety guidelines
  • Greater number of voluntary surveillance COVID tests administered
  • Advanced or heightened cleaning/sanitation
  • Modification of the status of dining facilities (such as hours, only offering to go or grab and go meals, etc.)
  • Building and/or facility closure to clean and disinfect
  • Short class suspension
  • Full transition to online learning
  • On-campus closure, including residence halls, with students sent home who can return home safely