From Super Bowl commercials featuring giant horses, to 15% off coupons for shoes, to conducting research about why new parents prefer one brand of diaper over another—marketers play a huge role in the success (or failure) of an extraordinary variety of products, services, and organizations. Studying marketing will prepare you to understand the world of business and consumer behavior—whether you want to work for a large company, start your own, help a nonprofit organization raise money, or simply want to understand human behavior a little bit better.
Degree Types
Major,Minor,B.A./M.S. Pathway
Complementary Programs
Distinctive Requirements
Experiential Learning
Art in Marketing
Graphic Design & Studio Art
The McDaniel Commitment in Action

Meet the Faculty Svetlana Tokareva, Ph.D. From Brand Manager to Professor
Impressive Outcomes Erin Herbert ’06 Disney Career Touchdown