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Data Analytics, M.S. (100% Online or Hybrid Low Residency)

McDaniel's Master of Science program will position you to play an essential role in your organization. Our approach teaches more than just the skills of data analysis; you'll be trained on how to present data in impactful and persuasive ways.

Degree Types
Dollar sign
Program Cost
$693 per credit (30 credits total)
Distinctive Requirements
Experiential Practica in Data Analytics
100% Online or Hybrid Low Residency (3-day residency per semester)

An Innovative Approach

Communicating with Data and Creating an Analytic Narrative

You’ll notice right from the start that the Professional Master of Science in Data Analytics at McDaniel College is uniquely designed to prepare you for professional success. Every course in the curriculum integrates skills and knowledge that prepares the student to think more critically and through a more peripherally focused lens. This requirement highlights not only our college’s liberal arts tradition but more importantly, our understanding of industry and how to help you distinguish yourself professionally.

See It In Action

Examples of assignments that require you to think broadly include:

  • Imagine you're the Chief Analytics Officer for your organization. In this role, you have been asked to write a code of conduct that all data analysts must adhere to. Write this code of ethics for your data analytics organization.
  • Students will provide a reflection on when data collection enriches a solution and when it becomes a violation of personal privacy.

An Online or  Hybrid Low Residency Format: Designed With You in Mind

Our program is offered in two delivery formats - 100% online or a Hybrid Low Residency format - both designed for working professionals to allow for maximum flexibility with a focus on quality. Both formats are delivered in 8-week sessions to allow for accelerated completion of 10 courses in five semesters. Students can begin the program in January, May, or August.

Our online option can be completed without ever having to visit campus while the hybrid low residency combines an intense 3-day residency each semester (5 times during the program) to enhance online learning.  The three-day residency provides time for in-person interaction with your classmates and faculty while also having the flexibility that online learning offers. 

Both the online and hybrid low residency options offer a quality experience with work-life balance. Students have the option to choose the modality of their choice. The hybrid low residency option meets the requirements for study in the US for International students seeking F1 visa. The hybrid low residency program does not meet the requirements for in residence training for the purpose of veteran’s benefits.

Because this degree incorporates experiential learning throughout for graduation, International F1 students are eligible to participate in Curricular Practical Training (“CPT”) for the entire program in jobs or internships related to the course of study. International students should learn more about our CPT Policy here.

What You Need to Know About the M.S. in Data Analytics

Admissions Requirements

  • Completed application for Data Analytics 
  • Bachelor’s degree with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
    • GPA of less than 3.0 can be considered on a case-by-case basis for provisional admission. Provisional admission requires attaining a 3.0 GPA in the first 9 to 12 credit hours of study or the first two semesters.
    • Submission of official transcript is required. International applicants may submit unofficial transcripts for application purposes but will be required to submit official transcripts prior to enrollment. 
  • Successful completion of required program pre-requisites:
    • Introduction to Statistics or equivalent (required)
    • Though not required, we find that additional work in Statistics, Calculus, and Linear Algebra coursework can be helpful.
  • Resume 
  • Letter of intent detailing professional goals relative to the program is recommended.

Additional Requirements for Non-Immigrant Students

  • English language proficiency (IELTS: 6.0TOEFL: 79Duolingo: 110)  
    • Waiver of this requirement can be considered for students who have received a degree in the US or who provide evidence of a primary language of instruction as English from a degree obtained outside of the US.

Degree Requirements

  • Successful completion of 30 credits hours outlined in the curriculum
  • Minimum 3.0 G.P.A.
  • Experiential learning throughout satisfied by employment or research practicum.

Residency Attendance Policy

Residency sessions are mandatory for all F-1 visa holders and are scheduled by the college for three days each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer). Residency sessions are optional for domestic students. (The hybrid low residency program does not meet the requirements for in residence training for the purpose of veteran’s benefits.)

For International Students

Any F-1 student who fails to attend any residency session will be counted as absent for the entire semester and will have his or her SEVIS record terminated. Additionally, each course shall have progress and attendance requirements, which will be strictly enforced to ensure maintenance of F-1 status. 


​​​​​The research practicum will be designed collaboratively between each student and a supervisory faculty member, with scope and objectives tailored to the academic and professional goals of the student. All students are required to be registered for a practicum with each semester of enrollment in the program. Students who enroll in practicums associated with CPT will be assigned to a first-year or second-year practicum course, which will align with the practicum responsibilities associated with CPT. Students who are not using CPT will be assigned to a practicum course guided by a McDaniel faculty member.

Tuition & Fees

  • $693 per credit
    • 30 total credits
  • $108 Administrative Fee
  • $204 Practicum Fee (per practicum)
  • $208 Residency Fee (for hybrid delivery model only)
    • Required for International Students

Program & Course Details

Special Opportunities

Grad student on computer.

Hands-On Experiences

Incorporated into the program is a required practicum experience through which you will apply experiential knowledge alongside your academic studies. This will directly allow for you to utilize your classroom studies into real world situations. Because we know the power of applied learning, you may have multiple practicums throughout the program. 


Taste of Arabia presentation.

Equipped for the Real World

The world is a complex place and data can help us understand it. But only if we are able to communicate about it in compelling and persuasive ways. It's why each course in our program integrates a liberal arts component that requires you to think more deeply and broadly about your role. 

Two Data Analytics students collaborate at a computer.

On-Campus Residency

Each semester, Data Analytics students meet for a three-day intensive residency for face-to-face collaboration with professors and program peers.

students studying on campus

McDaniel College BA/MS Pathways Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Programs

McDaniel offers 5-year programs resulting in a Master of Science in Data Analytics in the following degree programs: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, and Marketing.

Q&A with Dominic Byerly '20, M.S. '22

After completing his bachelor’s in Economics and Business Administration a year early, Dominic Byerly ’20, M.S. '22 chose to pursue his master’s degree in Data Analytics through McDaniel’s hybrid professional program. Able to work while attending, Byerly can actively apply his education to his career experience.

Data Analytics M.S. student Michael Eniolade wears a suit and stands next to a computer screen on a desk.

McDaniel alumni give back with Data Analytics internship

Alums John Sobanski ’99 and Kevin Worley ’00 connected with their alma mater to invite graduate students in the M.S. in Data Analytics program to intern with their company, Pyramid Systems Inc. They knew it was the right call when Data Analytics student Michael Eniolade interned with their team.

Photo of professor Xuejing Duan standing outdoors on campus.

Faculty Spotlight Xuejing Duan, Ph.D.

An interdisciplinary researcher and educator, Xuejing Duan wants every student to know that they can accomplish many things with data analytics. Before joining the faculty of the graduate program in Data Analytics at McDaniel, Duan was a biostatistician at George Washington University. She now teaches courses in machine learning, Python programming, and the fundamentals of data science. 

Headshot of Ashley Joslyn in a black and blue dress smiling at camera.

Meet a Graduate | Ashley Joslyn M.S. '24

What led you to earn your M.S. in Data Analytics?
In the world of nonprofits and local government, data is how we tell our story. As a frontline worker it is easy to see the difference social service programs make in our community, but we need to be able to show that to all stakeholders and to the public at large. This program allowed me to refine my understanding and improve my data presentation skills to better serve my community.  
Why McDaniel?
My wife teaches here! But beyond that, I liked that the program focuses on practical research and is built for working students. I was able to maintain a full-time job while getting my degree at McDaniel. 
What were your program highlights?
I liked that the Data Analytics program was focused on real-world projects, so my final project was actually something for the organization that I used to work with, so it was used by the board of directors and for their strategic plan. So, the program is really actionable data analytics in real life.