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Student Accessibility & Support Services (SASS)

The McDaniel College community is caring and supportive, with high academic and personal expectations for each student. The goal of the College is to enable every student to achieve a full and productive life. Student Accessibility & Support Services (SASS) assists all students with documented disabilities. The SASS Office works with each student on a case-by-case basis to determine and implement appropriate accommodations based on individual needs. SASS's innovative and nationally recognized program is deeply rooted in the most cutting-edge research on student support.

Fall registration for new and incoming students opens March 1, 2025.

Accommodation specialist with student.

The SASS Office ensures that students with documented disabilities receive appropriate academic accommodations based on their individual needs with access to all approved accommodations, assistive technology, and use of the testing center. The SASS office is available to students at all academic levels for no fee, and includes:

  • Access to applicable accommodations.
  • Weekly meetings with SASS graduate assistants (up to one hour per week).
  • Use of SASS Office assistive technology, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

All students must register with SASS to receive accommodations.

FALL 2025 Academic Skills Program (ASP) Service Levels

The SASS office offers a variety of service program options for in-depth and comprehensive services to ensure student success. By working closely with the SASS Office, each student's unique needs are met through a variety of programs, social events, and mentorship.

The Academic Skills Program (ASP) includes weekly one-on-one sessions with an academic counselor who will provide intensive support in academics, time management, organizational skills, and self-advocacy techniques, weekly support sessions with graduate assistants, and priority registration ahead of their classes are included. The Academic Skills Program is available in three levels based on academic year. 


Academic Skills Program Level 1 (ASP 1) $3,950 per semester

Eligible Students: Freshman/Transfers with fewer than 32 credits 

  • Access to applicable accommodations.
  • Up to two hours weekly of individual academic counselor support (includes meetings, communication, etc.) beginning week before classes start. Academic counselors communicate with professors throughout the semester.
  • Weekly meetings with SASS graduate assistants (up to one hour per week).
  • Use of SASS Office technology, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. + during PASS hours.
  • Priority course registration.
  • MAP included (see below for description).
  • PASS included (see below for description).

Academic Skills Program Level 2 (ASP 2) $3,550 per semester

Eligible Students: Sophomores

  • Access to applicable accommodations.
  • One hour weekly individual meetings with an academic counselor, beginning the week classes start.
  • Weekly meetings with SASS graduate assistants (up to one hour per week).
  • Use of SASS Office technology, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. + during PASS hours.
  • Priority course registration.
  • MAP included (see below for description).
  • PASS included (see below for description).

Academic Skills Program Level 3 (ASP 3) $3,050 per semester

Eligible Students: Juniors and Seniors

  • Access to applicable accommodations.
  • One hour weekly individual meetings with an academic counselor, beginning the week classes start.
  • Weekly meetings with SASS graduate assistants (up to one hour per week).
  • Use of SASS Office technology, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. + during PASS hours.
  • Priority course registration.

Additional Services

In addition to the all-inclusive Academic Skills Program, students can select just the services they need with the Mentorship Advantage Program (MAP) and the Providing Academic Support for Success (PASS) program. These programs are available alone or as add-ons to ASP. 

An academic counselor working with a student on an assignment.

Eligible Students: All academic years Mentorship Advantage Program (MAP) $825 per semester

  • A student-first approach where peers are in charge of their own process and experience.
  • Weekly interactive activities are designed to enhance students' skills in such areas as socialization, problem solving, communication, and independence.
Student using dictation software.

Eligible Students: All academic Levels Providing Academic Support for Success (PASS) $825 per semester

  • Group academic support sessions supported by a SASS graduate assistant.
  • Held three evenings a week for two hours.
  • Quiet environment and use of assistive technology enables students to make the most of study time.
Graduate assistant working with student.

McDaniel expands offerings provided by nationally recognized Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS)

McDaniel’s Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS), a national leader in working with students with documented disabilities, expands offerings to enhance support available to students within the program. This includes the addition of a mental health counselor embedded within the program and other exclusive opportunities just for SASS students beginning in fall 2024.

SASS Facts

The SASS Office works with each student on a case-by-case basis to determine and implement appropriate accommodations based on individual needs.

usergroupCreated with Sketch.

of undergraduate students utilize SASS

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Campus spaces for SASS programs

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Staff members work in the SASS office

Asset 12

Unique SASS programs available for students

Students on campus for McDaniel Local.

Only at McDaniel Step Ahead

Eligible Students: Incoming Fall Freshmen and Transfers

A Summer Transitional Program for Students with Disabilities

The Step Ahead summer experience at McDaniel College anticipates challenges that first-year students with disabilities may encounter and provides strategies for students to become strong self-advocates. Specifically, Step Ahead participants sharpen their skills in note-taking, reading comprehension, time management, study strategies, assistive technology, communicating with professors and roommates, college-level writing, independent living skills, and interacting with peers. Though summer bridge programs are offered nationwide, Step Ahead is distinctive in its broad applicability (in contrast to programs that focus on a specific diagnosis, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder). Step Ahead is intended for students with any type of diagnosed disability who are registered with the SASS Office.

Restaurant in Budapest showcasing vibrant nightlife.

Support at Every Turn SASS Jan Term Opportunities

Eligible Students: All academic years

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure all students take advantage of McDaniel's distinctive educational opportunities, SASS is proud to offer unique Jan Term opportunities. These trips include various study abroad and local options, providing supportive environments for students interested in expanding their academic experiences. Jan Term fees vary depending on location. 

Our Mission

The mission of the Student Accessibility & Support Services Office is to assist in creating an accessible college community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the educational environment.  We cooperate through partnerships with students, faculty, and staff to promote students’ independence, self-advocacy, and full academic potential.  Our department works within the McDaniel community to enhance educational outcomes for our students and promote the recognition of students’ capabilities.


Students who are requesting support services are required to submit documentation to verify eligibility under the ADA of 1990 and ADAAA of 2008.  The documentation must include medical or psychological information from a certified professional. This documentation assists our office in responding appropriately to the individual needs of the student.  For the most accurate assessment of current level of functioning, the SASS office encourages psycho-educational documentation to be no older than 3 years.  Student Accessibility & Support Services reserves the right to determine eligibility for services based on the submitted documentation.  All documentation is confidential.


Student Accessibility & Support Services works with each student on a case-by-case basis to determine and implement appropriate accommodations based on individual needs and documentation. Accommodations are provided to assist the student in achieving the intended outcome of the course, as long as the accommodation does not alter the fundamental nature or requirements of the course or program.

Services Not Provided

Student Accessibility & Support Services does not provide the following:

  • Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation for determining disabilities
  • Special classes for students with disabilities
  • A reduced standard for academic performance
  • Exemption from graduation requirements (some substitutions are allowed)
  • Life Coaching
  • Medication Management

Connect With Us

Melanie Conley


Phone: 410-857-2504

Office: Suite 117, Merritt Hall


2 College Hill
Westminster, MD 21157