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2025 Summer Session

Session I: May 27 - July 3

Session II: July 7 - August 15

Summer Session Classes are 100% Online!

Summer session registration for all McDaniel students is completed online via Self-Service.  For newly admitted students or members of the community, please contact the Registrar's Office to complete your registration.

student reading a book in the grass


  • Priority registration, March 19, 2024 - April 17, 2024: $2000 per 4-credit course.
  • Regular registration, April 18, 2024 until the day before class begins: $2270 per 4-credit course.

Summer Session I: May 20 - June 28

All Summer Session 1 Courses are 4 Credits

AHY-1113 Introduction to Art History I (McKay, Gretchen)

A survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture from 15,000 B.C. to 1400 A.D. Included are Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Art.
McDaniel Plan: Creative Expression

ART-1101 Perceptual Drawing (Dovgan, Kateryna)

A studio course in drawing concentrates on developing an understanding of perceptual drawing technique that emphasize proportion and spatial conventions. Compositional skills are developed, and different mediums are explored. Students develop creative problem solving skills by investigating complex still life arrangements.
McDaniel Plan: Creative Expression

BUA-1T02 Introduction to Excel (Routzahn, Julie)

This course provides basic training in Microsoft Excel for Windows. Students will learn the essentials of spreadsheet creation, including data entry and editing, formatting, and printing. Emphasis will be placed on creating and using formulas and functions, moving and working with data.

COM-2208 Ad Design (Trader, Robert)

In Ad Design, students will attempt to create, replicate, or improve upon popular graphic or video ads by applying basic design principles. This course does not require prior knowledge of design. Students will need Office 365 (which every student gets freely from the College), and a cell phone that can take good quality photos and videos (which the student will need to supply).
McDaniel Plan: Creative Expression

ECO-1103 Introduction to Economics (Kahn, Nick)

The study of the economic foundations of any society: price theory - the market system and allocation of resources; and macroeconomic theory - national income, employment, inflation, business cycles, and international trade.
Prerequisites/Co-requisites MAT 1100 or concurrent enrollment or placement into MAT 1106/1107 or higher
McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

HIS-1105 Ancient World to Early Modern Europe (Bjerke, Jillian)

An introduction to the diverse peoples and societies of Europe and the Mediterranean. The course focuses on the formative period and provides a firm chronological basis for understanding the interaction, evolution, and achievement of these peoples and societies in the ancient, medieval, and early modern periods.
McDaniel Plan: International; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

IDS-2111 Japan Online (Trader, Robert)

In Japan Online, students learn about different aspects of Japanese soft culture (including gaming, anime, relationships, customs, food, and everyday life) by looking at digital and streaming sources. This course is only offered in the summer.

McDaniel Plan: International Non-Western

PHI-2229 Asian Philosophy (Tyler, Elizabeth)

This course will introduce students to some of the major Asian philosophical traditions. We will explore foundational texts in Confucian, Daoist, Hindu, and Buddhist schools of thought with an eye to how these major traditions influence and respond to each other. In addition, we will discuss the benefits and risks of engaging Asian philosophers by comparing them to Western thinkers. Our guiding questions will be: What is the nature of reality? What is the self? What is the meaning of human existence? And, how should one live? Another major point of focus will be the relation between theory and practice. Many of the authors who we will read do not merely aim at communicating objects of knowledge to the reader; rather, they aim to transform the reader’s very being. This course is unique in that it approaches philosophy as a practice. While
students will become familiar with how authors respond to philosophical problems, it is hoped that the course will open up a space in which students can develop the ability to think critically about their own lived experience in light of the readings.
McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Textual Analysis

PHY-1106 Understanding the Universe (Mian, Apollo)

Did you ever want to understand the inner workings of the universe? If so, then this class is for you! This course will introduce students to the fundamental ideas and experiments that scientists rely on to help explain how everything in the universe works. Possible topics include the potential of extraterrestrial life; the mysterious quantum world of matter and light; symmetries in nature; the beginning of the universe; the existence of dark matter and energy and their connection to the universe's final fate; the fundamental importance of energy; the lifecycles of stellar systems and stars; and Einstein's theory of relativity and black holes. McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Embedded Lab

PSY-1106 Introduction to Psychology (Phillips DeZalia, Rebekah)

An introductory course designed to develop an understanding of the basic principles governing behavior, with emphasis on the scientific method of studying behavior. Intelligence, motivation, emotion, perception, learning, personality, workplace issues, and social factors that influence the individual will be considered.
McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

SOC-1104 Introduction to SOC: Global (Semu, Linda)

This course offers an overview of the discipline of sociology from a global perspective, focusing particularly on cross-cultural examples of social, economic and political relationships. It explores how social forces impact the structure of society and its social institutions as well as cultural patterns, crime, groups, personality, and human interactions.
Note: Students cannot earn credit for BOTH SOC-1103 and SOC-1104.
McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

SPA-1102 Elementary Spanish II (Olivares, Magdalena) **synchronous online class meetings required on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm**

The acquisition of oral/aural skills through intensive exposure to Spanish used both as the medium of communication and the object of study. It enables students to express their daily experiences accurately in spoken and written Spanish, and to understand communications of a moderate level of difficulty.
Prerequisite(s) SPA-1101 or by placement
McDaniel Plan: Second Language

**synchronous online class meetings required on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm**

STA-2215 Intro to Statistics (Kahn, Nick)

Basic statistical principles and techniques; summarizing and presenting data, measuring central tendency and dispersion in data, basic concepts of probability and probability distributions, estimation of parameters and testing of hypotheses through statistical inference, linear regression and simple correlation.
Not open to students who have completed MAT 3324.
Prerequisite(s) MAT-1100 or placement into MAT-1106, MAT-1107, or higher
McDaniel Plan: Quantitative Reasoning

Summer Session II: July 1 - August 9

Summer Session 2 courses are 4 credits unless otherwise noted

ART-2206 Digital Imaging (Cannon, Jordan)

This class will serve as an introduction to digital art, presenting students with the opportunity to learn about the computer as a tool for art making. Much of our time will be spent covering the basics of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Using the software specified above, we will become acquainted with how the computer and design software can be used to present complex visual and conceptual ideas which can be used to affect social and cultural exchange. Throughout the semester students will become acquainted with image manipulation in popular culture and some of the contemporary themes associated with digital art. Non-art majors are absolutely welcomed and no previous art experience is required.
Additional course and field trip fees apply.
McDaniel Plan: Creative Expression

ECO-2T03 Public Policy (Rady, Dina)

This course presents an introduction to public economics. It is designed to be a link between core economic theory and several policy applications. This course focuses on the role of the government in the economy, by surveying the impact of public policies on economic behavior and the distribution of resources in the economy. Students will use the tools of microeconomics and empirical analysis to identify and analyze major issues in economic policy. The course aims to address the following questions: What are the reasons for government intervention in the economy? How might the government intervene? What is the extent of that intervention? And, what are the effects of the government's actions on economic agents? Topics include: review of market failures; correction of externalities and provision of public goods; role of government in a wide variety of areas such as health care, education, social security, environmental protection and taxation; personal income, optimal taxation and tax inefficiencies; income inequality, poverty and provision of welfare programs.

ENG-1104 Writing from the Underground (Flora-Nakoski, Vanessa)

In this course, students will compare/contrast both mainstream media and underground/alternative media to deconstruct the style, argument, and effectiveness of zines as a tool for subverting political or cultural oppression.
McDaniel Plan: Multicultural

ENG-2205 Media Ethics (Muhlhauser, Paul)

An examination of the various ethical dilemmas that confront members of the news media, including conflict of interest, “freebies,” invasion of privacy, reporter-source problems, advertiser and corporate pressures, and the use of deception to gather news. Students analyze and debate actual ethical quandaries and attempt to find workable solutions.

ENV-1131 Environmental Problem Solving (Chaney, Cheryl)

This course is the introductory course for environmental science. An interdisciplinary study of environmental problems that considers world populations, energy, air and water pollution, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and environmental health. Class discussion will center on solutions including technical and human behavioral modifications that can lead to the sustainable use of our environment
McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Embedded Laboratory

GEO-2200 Human Geography: Cultures of the Non-Western World (K'Olewe, Ochieng')

The goal of this course is to explore the cultural geography of non – western developing world. It is based on a multidisciplinary approach, this means thematic topics from subject areas like anthropology, sociology, environmental studies etc are used to study peoples’ experiences. The course examines among other major questions: Where are these areas geographically located? What are the common and unique characteristics of the cultural environment that have been created? How have these peoples’ cultures impacted the western world and vice versa? Geographic areas and regions studied include Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

HIS-2237 Immortals, Ancestors & Demons (Fang, Qin)

A monkey named Wukong (aka Goku in Dragon Ball and Monkey King in Forbidden Kingdom) accompanies the monk Tripitaka on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India to China.  At 15 he is able to lift his 17,000-pound iron cudgel with ease and to travel 34,000 miles in one somersault. He knows 72 transformations into various shapes of animals and objects, even a clone of himself. He even knows various spells to command wind, to divide water, to conjure protective circles against spider spirts, and to freeze humans. Students, using a 16th-century novel Journey to the West, explore (1) the development of popular beliefs (in immortals, oxen demons, hungry ghosts, kitchen god, silkworm goddess, goddess of mercy, spider spirits, ancestors); (2) the boundaries between the seen and unseen realms of divine worlds; (3) a changing society entwined in what have formed/become the history of China. Focusing on Chinese religiosity within its own historical contexts, we examine and explore the knowledge and categorization of “religions” in the field of Chinese studies.
McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

IDS-1160 The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda (Keubeung, Gerard)

This course analyzes the genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda. More than a study of the genocide itself, this course is considered as a case study for the impact of colonization in people’s life. It’s also analyzes the process and the narrative of nation-state building in Africa. Reading materials and films will shed light on the mechanism that Belgian colonization use to divide one people in two ethnic groups that will lead to the 1994 genocide. Students will reflect on the role of both the Rwandan politicians and also the role of so called “international community” in the killings of almost a million of people in less that hundred days. Ultimately, this course is a reflection of the following question: Do Black lives really matter?
McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern

MAT-1106 Mathematical Excursions (Abrams, Michael)

Explore the way mathematicians approach problem solving through the study of a variety of topics. These topics may include logic, number theory, counting techniques, discrete probability, graph theory, and the mathematics of personal finance. The course is intended for non-Mathematics majors. Students who plan to take Calculus should take MAT-1107.
Prerequisite(s) MAT-1100 or higher level placement
McDaniel Plan: Quantitative Reasoning

MDC-1100 My Design (Tromble, Jody) (2 credits)

This course provides students at the beginning of their academic journeys with instruction and experiences that yield a better understanding of their individual strengths, their goals, and of the resources and people on McDaniel’s campus who can help them cultivate their potential. Students will develop and expand areas of interest related to the liberal arts, potential college majors, and future career paths.
McDaniel Plan: Jan Term

PHI-1301 Sex, Gender & Power (Mensah, Shaeeda)

This course examines significant conversations and debates in feminist social and political theory since the mid-twentieth century. The class will read major foundational and cutting edge works by feminist thinkers, analyze the theoretical perspectives they represent, discuss the commonalities and differences between them, and situate them within a genealogy of feminist knowledge. These readings are not all in agreement, but they are drawn together by the joint search for answers to the causes and consequences of gender difference-making hierarchies, and inequalities. Readings are drawn from both local U.S. feminist sources and from feminists around the globe. Our examination of gender takes an intersectional approach, focusing particularly on formations of race, ethnicity/nationality/religion, class, and sexuality. Throughout the course, we will also consider the relationships between feminist theory, contemporary women’s movements, and other social and political movements.
McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis

PSY-2204 Social Psychology (Phillips Dezalia, Rebekah)

This course will introduce students to research and theory in social psychology. Social psychology involves the study of how other people (real, imagined, or implied) influence our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This course will include discussion of research in the areas of the self, social cognition, conformity, persuasion, group behavior, stereotyping and prejudice, attraction, aggression, prosocial behavior, and gender and culture.
Prerequisite(s) PSY-1106
McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

Full Summer Course: May 20 - August 9

KIN -3309 Practicum in Health (McCole, Steve)

This course will provide practical experience (84 hours or more) in an off campus allied health setting of interest to the student. Students will observe the routines of practicing professionals to gain a better understanding of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful in the field. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills, attitudes, and behaviors that will help them be successful in the future. Students will meet weekly to reflect on their experiences and discuss their experience with other students. Students must secure an internship placement before enrolling in the course, but they may contact the course instructor for assistance.
Prerequisite(s) BIO-1120 with a C or higher
McDaniel Plan: Experiential; My Career

Important Dates

Mar 19

Priority Registration Open

Apr 18

Regular Registration Begins

May 27

Summer Session I Begins

Jul 7

Summer Session II Begins