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Bursar's Office

The Bursar Office is responsible for coordinating and maintaining all aspects of your student financial account. This includes billing, processing payments, posting accepted financial aid, issuing refunds, and maintaining payment plans.

The Bursar's Office is available via phone or online messaging during normal business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

2025 - 2026 Payment deadlines

Fall semester bill: July 15.

Spring semester bill: January 5.

Hoover Library outdoor courtyard.

Online Billing and Account Management

Your student account statement is available online and can be accessed at your convenience at any time throughout the academic year. Through McDaniel College’s Self-Service online portal, you can view and print your student billing statement, make payments online, view your payment history, and manage your student account.


Account Access for Parents and Families

You can grant permission to a parent, guardian, spouse, or other trusted individual to access limited billing account information online as an Authorized User. To designate an authorized user, log on to the Student Finance section of and select “Make a Payment Authorized User” and follow the prompts to include the email of the person you are designating. The Authorized User will receive an email with additional directions to finalize his/her access. Authorized users can only view and make online payments. To grant more comprehensive access to your student account information, please contact the McDaniel College Registrar’s Office for instructions on setting up a Person Proxy. .

Steps to Access Your Bill Online

  • STEP 1: Go to
  • STEP 2: Enter your McDaniel College user name and password to log in.
  • STEP 3: Select “Student Bursar’s Office” under the student menu.
  • STEP 4: From your Account Overview, select the term from the dropdown menu.
  • STEP 5: Select “View Statement” on the right side of the screen. Your statement will appear and can be printed for your records.
Go to Self Service
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Understanding Your Bill A Reference Guide


Your bill is composed of a variety of charges. Understanding each charge is an important step in your financial planning. Among these are: Tuition, Housing, Meals, Fees, Security Deposit, and Health Insurance. You may also see Pending Financial Aid or Outside Scholarships. 

To better understand your bill, we have created a reference guide to answer any questions you might have.

Ways to Pay Your Bill

McDaniel College is pleased to provide a variety of options for paying your bill. You can choose a single option or the combination of options that best meets your needs. These options include:

Setting Up a Payment Plan

Steps to Enroll

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your McDaniel College username and password to log in.
  3. Select Pay My Tuition
  4. Select Payment Plan and follow prompts to enroll.

If you fail to make the promised payments or you decrease the amount of your payment plan, your student account balance will be updated and payment will be due in full to McDaniel College immediately. The college reserves the right to cancel student registration, restrict future registration, participation in graduation, and hold diploma on delinquent accounts.

Important things you need to know

To register for classes, you must agree to pay in a timely manner all financial obligations to McDaniel College that are incurred during the entire term of enrollment, in accordance with the published policies of McDaniel College. This agreement covers payment of tuition, any housing and meal expenses incurred, and any fees, fines, or charges.

Failure to Pay Will Result in Additional Charges and Penalties 

  • Unpaid accounts are subject to a late fee. The fee will be $25 or 1% of the unpaid balance, whichever is greater, per month.
  • If payment is not made or arranged prior to the start of classes, or payment plans are defaulted during the semester, your class registration may be canceled.
  • Failure to pay will prevent release of diploma, graduation, and registration, and McDaniel College will use all legal avenues available to pursue delinquent payments, including the cost of collection efforts (within the guidelines of Maryland State Law).
  • A $30 returned check fee will be charged for each item returned from a bank regardless of the reason it was returned. If an electronic check is returned, any and all applicable check fees will be added per the agreement signed by the student/parent/guardian/spouse or proxy at the time the payment was submitted. Checks returned because of stopped payment, account closed, or “refer to maker” cannot be redeposited. The amount of the check plus any applicable fees will be due immediately and payable by the student. Returned check items must be paid by cash, cashier’s check, or credit card. Students who have had three or more checks returned unpaid for any reason will no longer be able to submit payment via personal check regardless of whose account the check is drawn on.
  • Failure to complete the college's Pre-entrance Health Requirements (i.e. health form, immunizations, TB screening) will result in a $500 fine being applied to your billing account on August 1 for Fall enrollment or January 3 for Spring enrollment.

Waiving your Health Insurance Have your own comparable health insurance coverage?

Waiving the McDaniel Health Insurance is easy! 

The deadline to complete the waiver is August 15, but we recommend completing the process by June 15 so your bill is accurate.

If you wish to waive your health insurance, you will need to complete the following steps. Please have your personal insurance coverage card in front of you as you will be asked to enter information that is included on the card.

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the prompts to waive the insurance coverage.
  3. After completing the steps, print the confirmation page for your records.

Withdraw/Refund Policy

Students are not responsible for the balance of the semester charges and required/applicable fees if the college receives a written notice of withdrawal before the first day of classes begin. It is assumed a student will not withdraw from the college once classes have begun. In most cases, fees are not refundable. Should withdrawal become necessary because of prolonged illness or similar unusual circumstance, the following refund policy will prevail:

(Please note: these are only summaries of the college's refund policy. Please visit for the most up-to-date policy.)

Housing Refund Policy


Meal Refund Policy

A pro rata refund will be made from the date of withdrawal.

McDaniel Bucks Refund Policy

If you have deposited funds to your McDaniel 1Card (McDaniel Bucks), there is no refund of monies deposited except upon official withdrawal from the college. A $20 administrative fee will be deducted from any refunds.

Effective Date of Withdrawal

The effective date of withdrawal is the last date of attendance verified by the Office of Academic Affairs. Financial aid will be reviewed and adjusted/reduced according to federal guidelines. If withdrawal is before 60% of the semester has been completed, McDaniel may be required to return federal funds already awarded to the student. Federal guidelines for calculating the return of financial aid are different than the tuition refund policy, so a federally required reduction in already awarded financial aid will result in a balance due to McDaniel College. For this reason, students are strongly encouraged to work closely with their student success coach and their financial aid specialist before making any decisions to withdraw or take a leave of absence.

Overpayment of Student Account (Credit Balance)

It may happen that financial aid postings may exceed the cost of tuition, housing, and meals. If this occurs, a credit balance will appear on the billing statement. Credit balances are returned to the student in the form of a physical check. Refund checks are processed starting the second Friday of the semester and will be placed in student mailboxes. Credit balances resulting from Federal PLUS loans will be delivered to you or your parent as was designated in the loan application.

Book Advances

If your student account is overpaid and a credit balance is reflected on your student account, you may apply those excess funds toward the purchase of books in the McDaniel College campus store.
McDaniel College Financial Aid Director Kemia Himon assists Financial Aid Specialist Aza Smith

Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) A Family Discussion

McDaniel College is prohibited by federal law from providing certain information regarding student accounts to a third party, including your parents. Unless you complete a FERPA Authorization to Release Information form, we are unable to share details including (but not limited to) tuition, fees, and other account charges, student account payments and other student account status, and overpayment refund checks with anyone other than you, regardless of who made payment on your student account. The Authorization to Release Information is available online through the MyMcDaniel student portal (under the Registrar’s Office information) and must be either returned in person or emailed directly from your McDaniel College secure email account.

McDaniel College campus in Fall with Keep the World Moving banner

What's Next? Financial Wellness

Planning for all four years of your educational expenses is an important part of being an active partner in funding your education. We hope that our students and families engage with us early and often as we work together over the duration of your college education. 

Throughout your academic career and in your personal life, we want you to be able to make informed, sustainable financial decisions. We recognize that money can be a complex topic and that every student and family has individual needs.


Federal regulations concerning the Truth-in-Lending Act require the following technical disclosure of terms of payment and credit. The payment of your obligation to McDaniel College will be governed by the Payment Agreement and the Policies of McDaniel College and the Academic Catalog. Charges for tuition, room, meal, and fees for each academic year are published on McDaniel College is a non profit institution of higher learning. As such, unpaid student accounts are considered to be educational loans and are not dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings. Full payment of tuition and fee charges for each semester is due by the payment due date for each semester. Payment for the fall semester is due by August 1. Payment for the spring semester is due by January 15, and payment for the summer semester is due by May 15. There are no monthly payment plans for the January term or the summer session. Jan Term travel trips are handled through the trip coordinator and payment is due by October 15.

If a monthly payment plan is not in place, or the balance is not paid in full within 30 days of the official due date, a late payment penalty of $25 or 1% per month of the unpaid balance, whichever is greater, per month will be assessed. You will not be allowed to move into the residence halls or begin classes if there is a balance due on the account.

If McDaniel College defers payment of your student account balance based on certified, guaranteed federal or state funds, or any other aid, and those funds are later reduced, denied, or declined, the outstanding account balance will be due immediately and late payment fee and other penalties may apply.

You should consult the Bursar Office page on the MyMcDaniel portal regarding other fines/fees (i.e. parking registration, music lessons, ID replacement, etc.)

In case of an error on your account, send your inquiry in writing to the Bursar Office, McDaniel College, 2 College Hill, Westminster, MD 21157 and include your name, student ID number, and the reason for the dispute. You remain obligated to pay the charges on your account that are not in dispute, but you do not have to pay the amount in dispute until such time as the college either corrects the error or denies the appeal. During this time, the college may not take action to collect disputed amounts or report disputed amounts as delinquent. Your notice in writing must reach the Bursar Office within 60 days after the charge was applied in order to preserve your rights under the Truth-in-Lending Act.