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Julie Routzahn Ph.D.
  • Professor of Economics & Business Administration

Economics & Business Administration
Julie Routzahn

My main teaching objective is to excite my students the way I became excited learning about the disciplines of accounting, business, and economics. My goal is to be a mentor who provides the educational foundation and the real-life application that students need to excel in the classroom and in life.  My desire is that they be productive in the world of business as soon as they begin their employment. 

Prior to joining academia, I worked as a CPA in increasingly more responsible accounting positions for both Fortune 500 companies and a mid-size start-up. Ultimately, I was the Controller of a regional manufacturing firm that went through a purchase and then merger with another company. These years of practical experiences have been invaluable to my teaching.


Ph.D., American University
M.B.A. and M.S.F., University of Maryland
B.A. in Economics and Business Administration, McDaniel College

Research Interests

  • Gender differences in debt, debt tolerance, and household finances

Recent Courses

  • BUA4232:  Corporate Finance and Financial Management

  • BUA3301:  Advanced Accounting

  • BUA2215:  Cost Accounting with a Managerial Emphasis

  • BUA1101:  Principles of Accounting I

  • BUA1102:  Principles of Accounting II

  • ECO2206:  Gender Roles in the Economy

Selected Publications

  • Debt Tolerance, Gender, and the Great Recession, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, April 2018. Co-authored with E. George and M. Hansen.

Clubs and community involvement

  • Member, Phi Beta Kappa

  • Faculty Sponsor of Pi Gamma Mu

  •  Member, Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants

Julie Routzahn

"Dr. Routzahn played a major role in my growth and development as a student at McDaniel. After having her as a professor, she suggested I enter the Innovation Challenge which ultimately helped me find my passion in entrepreneurship. I have since been a finalist in two Innovation Challenges and have worked for two startups. None of this would have been possible without Dr. Routzahn."

Zach Fortuna, '19 Business Administration