Language learning is about human connection. Learning foreign languages has helped me communicate with others by enhancing my ability to take different perspectives. Trust me – I, of all people, badly needed multilingual exposure! I still remember my 7th grade five-day school trip to England when a bunch of us, leaving France for the first time, piled up at the window of a local bakery, stunned and horrified by the colors and look of the icing on the cakes as well as the speed with which regular-looking folks walking in and out of the store could speak that foreign language called English! Surely, language learning and perspective shifting are a must in a fiercely competitive world and it is hard work, but I can assure you that it is also incredibly rewarding! That’s the goal and reward I try to make obvious in all of my French classes, whether they are language, culture, or literature-based courses.
My Ph.D. studies focused on Hélène Cixous and her fictional writing from the 1960s to the 1980s, and her more recently published texts continue to be a source of inspiration in my publications. She too could teach anyone lessons on perspective shifting and multilingualism, all aspects very much present in her narratives!
- 1987
- Ph.D. in French, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- 1982
- Maîtrise (M.A.) de littérature française moderne, Université de la Sorbonne-Paris IV
- 1982
- Licence (B.A.) d'anglais, Université de la Sorbonne-Paris IV
- 1982
- Certificat de Didactique des Moyens Audio-Visuels, Université de la Sorbonne-Paris III
- 1981
- Licence (B.A.) de littérature française moderne, Université de la Sorbonne-Paris IV
Research Interests
Contemporary French literature
- Francophone bandes dessinées
Theory of literature
Literary experimentalism
Recent Courses
FRE 2511: Bandes dessinées/French comic books
FRE 3320: French/English translation
IDS 2037: The intercultural workplace
Selected Publications
« Résistance à la finitude et méditation sur la mort dans les écrits d’Hélène Cixous ». Modernités : Poétiques de l’incomplétude. Éd. Éric Benoit. Bordeaux, France : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux-Montaigne, vol. 50, 2024, pp. 445-454.
« Éclatement de l’identité et du discours dans les écrits d’Hélène Cixous et de Régine Robin ». Franges : Écrivaines juives de langue française. Éd. Maxime Decout. Vol. 2, 2024. (https://liej.hypotheses.org/martine-motard-noar)
« L’enfant et la ville : deux exemples de bandes dessinées tout public (1992-2020) ». Strenae. La ville et l’enfant : images, récits, espaces (1992-2020). Vol. 23, 2023. (https://journals.openedition.org/strenae/10411)
« Paris, point de référence dans les romans de Jean-Philippe Toussaint ». Aletria, vol. 32, n. 2 (2022). Pp. 144-162.(https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/issue/view/32-2-2022/347)
« Histoires de rétine : représentations de la subjectivité chez Laurent Mauvignier ». L’image incertaine : Pluralité de l’image chez Laurent Mauvignier. Éd. Sylvie Loignon. Paris : Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2022. Pp. 85-92.
Clubs and community involvement
- Faculty Advisor, Le Cercle Français
Faculty Advisor, La Maison Française
Awards and Honors
Faculty Scholarship Publications Award, August 2017, 2020, 2023
Dorothy S. Ludwig Excellence in Teaching French Award, Post-Secondary level, National Award (US & Canada), American Association of Teachers of French, award presented at the AATF National Convention, New Orleans. July 2014
Ira G. Zepp Distinguished Teaching Award, Mcdaniel College. May 2014
Distinguished Scholar Award, Faculty Development Grant, McDaniel College. Spring 2012
Faculty Grants Award, French Film Festival, McDaniel College. August 2012

"Madame Motard-Noar is a wonderful professor! She is very passionate about her courses and her students. Her classes are so much fun!"