Richard Smith, Ph.D.
- Associate Provost for Equity & Belonging/Prof of Sociology
I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and, after graduate school at Temple University in Philadelphia, I came back to live in Baltimore, Maryland. Sure, it has its problems; but its beauty, eclecticism, and interesting social structure intrigue me and keep me close. Known as a city of neighborhoods, it’s not uncommon to drive on one street and find consecutive blocks that are different from each other. Often, one is predominantly white, while the next is predominantly black. Additionally, it’s thought provoking to see the distinctive communities and to note why some are supported financially while others are left in continual disrepair. But, in the midst of that, as a Baltimore resident, I know my neighbors, have seen how communities have supported each other through difficult times, and know that no matter what people think about Baltimore, we are still here. Maybe this is what piqued my initial interest in Sociology and fuels my research and desire to teach about race and racism in the US, African American culture and, race, crime and justice. In looking at not only my city, but also the nation I live in, I can’t help but ask questions about race and study the resilience of African Americans through times of social backlash and increased difficulty.
- 2009
- Ph.D. and M.A., Temple University
- 2000
- B.A. in Sociology, McDaniel College
Research Interests
Sociology of race and racism
African American culture
Race and Justice
Racism and Religion
Recent Courses
SOC 3431: Race, Crime, and Justice
SOC 3320: African American Culture
SOC 3429: Race and Ethnic Relations
Selected Publications
Smith, Richard Maurice. “No Other Alternative: Why African Americans Continue to Fight Against Racial Injustice.” Book chapter in Prophet With A Pencil: The Continued Relevance of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter From Birmingham Jail by Arthur Sutherland (ed) Cascade Publishing (Forthcoming 2020)
Smith, Richard Maurice. “AfroVeganism: Presenting Food Choice as a Form of Resistance and Remembrance.” Book chapter in Vegetarian’s Dilemma: Rethinking Food Choice Throughout Time by Adam Shprintzen (ed), University of Arkansas Press (Forthcoming 2020)
Smith, Richard Maurice. “Becoming McChurch: A Case Study of A Black Organization’s Transition From Leading in a Local Community to Creating a Global Brand.” Journal of Religious Leadership (Spring 2016)
Smith, Richard Maurice and Dundes, Lauren. "Reticent on Race: Promoting Constructive Discussions About Race in the College Classroom." Race and Pedagogy Journal (Spring 2016)
Clubs and community involvement
American Sociological Association
Eastern Sociological Society
American Association of Blacks in Higher Education
Faculty Advisor for the Black Student Union
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Scholar Award (2019)
Multicultural Leaders' Most Valuable Faculty Award (2015)