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Spencer Hamblen

I have been fascinated by mathematical puzzles for as long as I can remember (How can you cut a bagel into 13 pieces using only 3 cuts)? I supervise McDaniel's teams in various mathematics competitions, and lead trips to regional and national conferences every year to show students the wider world of mathematics.

My research areas include number theory, algebraic symmetry, and arithmetic dynamics. My summer research group studies generalizations of Waring's Problem (sums of powers of numbers) in the settings of Quaternion rings and ramified p-adic rings. I also have an interest in mathematics pedagogy, specifically inquiry-based and mastery-based teaching methods.

I am the faculty mentor for McDaniel College’s cross-country teams, and enjoy high quality chalkboard chalk and very long board games.


Ph.D., Cornell University
B.A. in Mathematics and Women's and Gender Studies, Amherst College

Research Interests

  • Number theory

  • Arithmetic dynamics

  • Algebraic symmetry

  • Mathematics competitions

Recent Courses

  • MAT 3391: Mathematics Problems Seminar

  • MAT 1140: Conference Experience in Mathematics

  • MAT 3336: Number Theory

Selected Publications

Clubs and community involvement

  • Faculty Mentor for Cross-Country Teams

  • Faculty Advisor for Kappa Mu Epsilon (Mathematics honor society)

Awards and Honors

  • Charles A. Boehlke, Jr., Engaged Faculty Fellow Award, 2018


Spencer Hamblen