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Transfer Student Admissions

If you have earned your high school diploma and have more than 12 transferable college credits, you will apply as a Transfer applicant.


We are proud to work closely with 2- and 4-year institutions of higher education to ensure a seamless transition to McDaniel. This includes personalized support from the beginning, where you'll work with your designated transfer counselor to make the application process efficient and easy. 


students walk on campus

As part of our commitment to college access, we do not charge an application fee.

Stephanie Stahler Senior Associate Director of Admissions

You work with Stephanie if you are looking to transfer from a two or four year college or university, looking to re-apply, or are seeking a second bachelor's degree from McDaniel College. Stephanie also works with first year students who have an international status or are living outside of the United States.

Set up a time to chat with Stephanie

Phone: 410-386-4857


Visit McDaniel College McDaniel has many ways for you to explore campus.

The best way to experience McDaniel is to spend some time on the Hill. Discover how McDaniel College works with you to ensure a smooth transfer process so you can reach your academic goals.

Your personal transfer admissions counselor will help you realize all that you can become on the Hill. And while you're here, take a tour of our beautiful hilltop campus, converse with students, and grab a meal in our dining facility. You'll leave knowing you belong. 

Register for your visit today.

Applying to McDaniel Apply for either fall or spring semester admission.

Application deadlines: March 1 or July 15 for fall enrollment; December 1 for spring enrollment.

To transfer to McDaniel College, students should Submit either:

The Common Application for Transfer Students or
the McDaniel Application for Transfer Students along with an optional personal essay.

Everything you need to know to transfer to McDaniel.


student engagement

Block Transfer

McDaniel College has adopted a block transfer policy. If you enter McDaniel with an Associate of Arts (A.A.), an Associate of Science (A.S.), or an Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) from an accredited U.S. institution, you will have met all McDaniel general education requirements (our McDaniel Plan). You'll be able to jump right into your major program requirements! If you have specific questions, contact your Admissions counselor Jamie using the information links above.

Academic Symposium

Transfer Plus Admissions with Carroll Community College

McDaniel is proud to offer a transfer plus admissions agreement with Carroll Community College, offering students who transfer to McDaniel directly from Carroll a clear pathway to a bachelor’s degree after completing an associate degree at Carroll. Students transferring from Carroll can apply to the transfer plus admissions program after completing 30 credits at Carroll and McDaniel will accept all Carroll Community College coursework for transfer up to 64 credits as agreed upon by a McDaniel advisor. For more information, contact your advisor at Carroll Community College to complete intent form or visit the Transfer Plus webpage.  Then you must apply to McDaniel by September 15 for the spring semester and by February 1 for the fall semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are planning to be a residential student, Criminal History Self-Disclosure and Conduct History Release forms will be required.