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Two students in lab gear create a chemistry solution.

Health Sciences – Pharmacy

​​​​​A pharmacist performs one of the last steps between a patient and the medication they need to remain healthy. In this vital role, you’ll need to know all of the fundamentals—but don’t worry, McDaniel has you covered.

Degree Types
Complementary Programs
Distinctive Requirements
Professional Development

At McDaniel, students studying Health Sciences can select a Pharmacy specialization to prepare them to pursue a career in medicine. Chemistry, business, and ethics are some of the foundational topics a student will learn with this specialization. After completing a Pharmacy degree, you will be that much closer to excelling in future programs of study and in your pharmacy career.

Guidance for Graduate School

McDaniel students have gone on to graduate and professional programs in allied health fields. Allied health advising can begin as early as the first semester on campus or whenever a student first decides to pursue a health-related career. Advisors work individually with students to build their McDaniel Plan.

Graph showing the estimated increase in pharmacy tech jobs between 2017 and 2025.

Distinctive Courses

CHE 1103 - General Chemistry I: Structure and Bonding

The course includes an introduction to the scientific method and it’s application to the study of chemistry and the properties of matter. Topics include the structure of matter at the atomic level, the electronic structure of atoms, chemical reactions, and techniques in chemical equations and stoichiometry. 

CHE 3301 - Medicinal Chemistry

This course focuses on the fundamental aspects and current methodologies involved in the drug discovery process. The fundamental aspects include the physical, chemical and pharmaceutical properties of drugs and their mechanism of action. The methodologies include lead discovery strategies, statistically based QSAR optimization methods, structure-based and mechanism-based design methods, and combinatorial techniques. Categories of drugs and the application to the chemotherapy of cancer, viral and microbial diseases will be examined.

ECO 3303 - Microeconomic Theory

The theory of demand, production, cost, and resource allocation in a market economy. Models of market structure are developed and various forms of market failure are analyzed. Also developed are models of risk and uncertainty and theories of factor pricing and income distribution.

Program Requirements

The McDaniel Commitment in Action

The McDaniel Commitment—a series of opportunities guaranteed to all students—provides enhanced mentoring and coaching, and ensures every undergraduate student completes at least two meaningful experiential learning opportunities.

Caitlin McCadden in Lab.

Curiosity sparks Chem student’s research from cancer drugs to medical cannabis

Organic chemistry changed Caitlin McCadden's career direction from orthodontics to medicinal chemistry research.