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Gerard Keubeung

My first step in the field of Francophone Studies was to analyze the influence of immigration in the immigrant’s identity in France. This study opened my eyes to the fate of both the postcolonial African subject and those who live abroad. It appears that whenever Africans live or wherever they choose to live, they faced certain difficulties. They were established as other, that other who is less than “US”. That is why after my masters degree, I decided to analyze the representations that Africans have carried in the French imaginary since the colonial encounter. That study entitled “From indigène to the banlieusard: figures of alterity in Francophone African novels” examines the different steps of the construct of African otherness in some novels. This informs what I bring to the classroom where I can teach a variety of courses ranging from postcolonial African countries issues, immigration, gender issues, the African diaspora in France, to Francophone Caribbean and Francophone African cinema.


PhD, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
MA in francophone Studies, University of Oregon
Maitrise (M.A), University of Yaoundé I
Licence (BA), University of Yaoundé I
DIPES (High School Teacher Diploma), Ecole Normale Supérieure du Cameroun

Research Interests

  • French colonization and imperialism
  • French Banlieue literature and cinema
  • Caribbean and West and Central African Literature
  • Francophone Women’s Literature from West Africa, Central Africa and the Caribbean
  • Literary Theory
  • Postcolonial Theory
  • Literature and politics

Recent Courses

  • Advanced French through films
  • Francophone Culture
  • African Diaspora in France and Crisis of Citizenship
  • Intermediate French
  • Elementary French

Selected Publications

  • ‘Redécouverte de l’ordinaire et critique sociale chez Jeanne Mbella Ngom.’’ Women in French Studies (Déc. 2020).
  • ‘‘Parias urbain : espaces, mobilité et illusions.’’ Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios., No. 19 (2020) pp.51-71.
  • ‘‘L’Anté-peuple de Sony Labou Tansi ou l’émergence du sentiment national.’’ L’Héritage de Sony Labou Tansi. La Tortue Verte. Revue en ligne des littératures francophones. (, No. 8 (Juin 2018).
  • ‘‘De l’instruction à l’aliénation: agenda de l’école coloniale en Afrique.’’Rhumsiki, Vol. 3. (2017) Revue de la faculté des Lettres et sciences humaines de l’Université de Maroua, Presses Universitaires de Valencienne. Pp. 25-47.
  • “Spectres de l’exil et de l’immigration : espaces et identités problématiques chez Le Clézio et Jean Roger Essomba.” Hervé Tchumkam et Pierre Fandio, eds. Exils et migrations postcoloniales. Yaoundé : Editions Ifrikiya, 2011. Pp. 105-122.
Gerard Keubeung