Once upon a time, I was a college undergraduate. Initially, my college experience involved far too much fun. My studies became an afterthought, and I failed two courses in my first semester. After three semesters, my GPA was 1.60. Dismal. I am convinced that I was allowed to remain in school because I was paying out-of-state tuition. Fortunately, three things changed my direction.
First, I found a faculty mentor who recognized and nurtured my creativity and analytic skills. To this day, he remains a valued friend. Second, I found a girl I wanted to impress. Cupid’s arrow went deep, and I eventually married her. Third, my father stuck his foot up my ass. Since he was paying the bills, this was clearly a justified action. On went the light bulb, and I became a serious student. By the time I graduated, I had earned cum laude status. It was a loooong climb back. More importantly, the light bulb stayed lit. I went on to graduate school, where I pursued my dream of becoming a professor and living happily ever after.
- 2014
- M.A., American University
- 1996
- Ph.D., University of Georgia
- 1988
- M.A., Michigan State University
- 1984
- B.A., University of Southern Maine
Research Interests
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Awards and Honors

"All I want is a job where people are forced to nod and smile while I babble."