Thomas Falkner is Emeritus Professor of Classics in the Department and continues to teach courses in ancient philosophy, culture and history.
- 1975
- Ph. D. University at Buffalo (SUNY), Classics
- 1973
- M.A. University at Buffalo (SUNY), Classics
- 1969
- American Academy in Rome (graduate course work)
- 1969
- B.A. Le Moyne College (Syracuse, NY), Magna Cum Laude, Classics
Research Interests
Current interests are on the literary nature of Plato’s dialogues and their relationship to Greek tragedy.
Recent Courses
- ‘Greek and Roman Philosophy’
- ‘Plato’s Search for Knowledge’,
- Philosophy and Literature’
- ‘Great Works’ (Honors)
- ‘Greece: Myths, Monks, Monuments’ (Jan Term in Greece)
Selected Publications
In addition to articles, books include:
- Contextualizing Classics: Ideology, Performance, Dialogue, ed. with D. Konstan and N. Felson, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
- The Poetics of Old Age in Greek Epic, Lyric, and Tragedy, University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
- Old Age in Greek and Latin Literature, ed. with Judith de Luce, SUNY Press, 1989.
- Euripides' Orestes, Bryn Mawr Commentaries, 1984.
Clubs and community involvement
- Chamber Music on the Hill (member of Board)
- Mount Washington Preservation Trust (environmental group in Baltimore)