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Greek Life

Greek-letter organizations have been a part of McDaniel College since the 1920s, with students joining fraternities and sororities for the new dimensions it adds to their college experience. These organizations were founded on the ideals of scholarship, leadership, community service and friendship and our 13 Greek-letter organizations continue to hold these ideals today. 

Alumni tailgating group shot.

Eligibility & Governing Councils

Student Eligibility

Students with at least a 2.50 grade point average are eligible to join a fraternity or sorority beginning in the second semester of their freshman year. Transfer student are eligible to join a fraternity or sorority during their first semester at the institution, provided they have successfully complete at least 12 credits at their previous institution(s). Members of organizations may apply to live together in a section of a residence hall designated by the College.

Governing Councils

Four Councils govern our Fraternity and Sorority Community:

  • Panhellenic Association (PHA): Includes our local sorority and those who are members of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC).
  • McDaniel Fraternity Council (MFC): Includes our local fraternity and several national/international organizations.
  • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): Includes fraternities and sororities on campus who are members of the Divine Nine.
  • National Association of Latino Fraternal Organization (NALFO): Includes Latinx fraternities and sororities.

A History of Greek Activities Greek Life at McDaniel

Greek Life at McDaniel is vibrant and dynamic, providing students with various opportunities to engage academically and socially. 

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Phi Mu has been at McDaniel since 1989, but the organization was founded in 1852, making it 167 years old and McDaniel's oldest sorority/women's fraternity.

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of students at McDaniel join Greek-letter organizations.

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was the year Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was chartered at McDaniel, making it our newest Greek-letter organization.

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was the year that Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Incorporada ( ΣΙΑ ), known as 'SIA,' became an established colony and the first Latina-oriented Greek letter organization.

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is the year that Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., a predominantly African American Greek-letter fraternity, inducted McDaniel's first line of members with plans to establish a colony on our campus.

The Six Pillars of Greek Life at McDaniel College


Academics play a key role in the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. Academic responsibility is emphasized by each fraternity and sorority through study sessions, scholarship awards, workshops, formal and informal advising sessions and honorary membership in our honor societies: Order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Alpha. Chapters and national fraternal organizations recognize and reward scholastic excellence.


The McDaniel College Fraternity and Sorority community offers many opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills. Fraternities and sororities strengthen members’ teamwork, time management, motivation, public speaking and organization skills. All aspects of being affiliated with Greek letter organizations involve being a leader. Affiliated members are very involved in every aspect of student life at McDaniel College. Students are not only encouraged to become involved in their Greek letter organization but to also assume roles in other campus organizations as well.

Community Service

Philanthropy is community and social service undertaken by each fraternity and sorority. Each year, the Fraternity and Sorority community raises thousands of dollars and donates hundreds of hours to local and national charitable organizations. Affiliated members support the Westminster community through activities such as food and clothing collections, community clean-ups and spare change drives. Fraternities and sororities dedicate a great deal of time, effort and energy into helping others, and they have a great time in the process of doing so.

Brotherhood & Sisterhood

One of the most cherished aspects of Fraternity and Sorority Life is the friendship and fellowship that exists among members. As members work toward common goals, live and enjoy campus life together, relations and friendships are strengthened. These relationships transcend ordinary friendship to become like that of a brother or sister. Like family ties, the bonds formed are for a lifetime.

Risk Management

The Greek Community is committed to the safety and well-being of all members. Educational workshops occur throughout the year including, alcohol and drug awareness, personal safety, and violence prevention.

Equity and Inclusion

All students are invited to participate in the recruitment and intake processes. Members of McDaniel's Greek Life enjoy access to speakers, workshops and events throughout the year.

Connect With Us

Office of Student Engagement

Phone: 410-857-2265


Roj Student Center

2 College Hill

Westminster, MD 21157