My Design
At McDaniel, you won’t just obtain a top-tier education; you’ll own your entire educational experience. Held exclusively during Jan Term on campus, My Design provides you with timely instruction and experiences that yield a better understanding of your personal and professional strengths and goals, and the resources and people on McDaniel’s campus who can help you cultivate your potential. You will develop and expand areas of interest related to the liberal arts and sciences, wellness, potential college majors, and future career paths. Then you’ll be well prepared to make choices and develop a personalized action plan that sets the stage for the rest of your time on the Hill, ensuring that every step you climb is intentional and purposeful.
The Hill: Yours to Summit.
At McDaniel College, you have the freedom to forge your own path. In every club and organization on campus, you can channel your passion and excitement into personal growth and leadership opportunities as you hone your skills and collaborate with peers. In a community that empowers you to become your best self, you’ll bring out the best in others too.

First things first
First Year Seminars (we call them FYS courses) are designed to give you an innovative, engaging transition to college and an introduction to the liberal arts. You’ll focus on a unique topic through a variety of disciplines, while improving your skills in critical thinking, analytical reading, oral communication, and effective writing. Whether you’re examining scary themes in film and fiction or studying scientific revolutions, the FYS is the perfect introduction to what life on the Hill is all about. Here are just a few recent examples:
“ My FYS professor was one of the biggest blessings as a freshman. He had regular meetings with each student about not only our work, but about how we were adjusting to college life.”